When we bottle up soda, the kitten likes to try to attack the brew as it bubbles through the tubing!
This latest soda is Maple Rhubarb. It uses 1/2 maple syrup and 1/2 sugar to sweeten it and rhubarb to give it some tartness. As you can see, it has some serious carbonation after 36 hours! (The leaves are some mint and lavender I had in my glass- not part of the original recipe).
I was delighted to see these blue/purple potatoes are the cheapest potatoes at the Selby store right now. They're local, organic, and crazily colored- You really can't beat that. I used some yogurt/mayo mix and last year's sweet pickles to whip up a potato salad. It was super good today after it had marinated overnight.
- 2 heads Chesnok Red and 2 heads German Extra Hardy from Sunfresh Foods in Preston, MN. These guys are certified organic.
- 2 heads Chesnok Red and 1 head Russian Red from Coffman Garlic in West Concord, MN
- 2 heads Merrifield Rocambole and 2 heads Northern White from Hawk's Brain Garlic in Red Wing, MN
- 2 heads Armenian and 4 heads Music from Living Song Gardens in Crow River, MN
- 2 heads Polish Jenn and 1 head Polish White from StoneHouse Farm in Miltona, MN
- Garlic powder from Girardin Gourmet Gardens in Cannon Falls
I also scored a great deal on some little potatoes from Earthstar Farm in Hickston, WI. They're not yet certified organic, but working toward it.
Then on my way home I saw Apple Jack Orchards and decided to see if they had any apples yet. Sure enough, they had some early crop apples for super cheap. And they're Midwest Food Alliance Certified!
1 comment:
Yeah, those purple potatoes are way cool. I've never used purple potatoes that actually STAYED mostly purple, like they do.
I forgot about that garlic fest. Damn.
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