So far I am regularly buying (when I actually buy food) local cheeses and eggs. I also bought local corn tortillas when I made tostadas a week or so ago. And if we are considering buddies (or other free food stuff) as local, then I'm not doing too bad in the produce department either. I have also purchased asparagus from the farmer's market for two weekends in a row and it has been delicious.
So my experience so far has been gradual but good. Any local produce I've had has been spectacular (especially the strawberries from the patch at my community garden!). There's nothing quite like knowing that the fruits or veggies you are about to consume or have just consumed were still growing just a few hours ago. As the summer progresses this challenge is going to be easy as pie. Now for figuring out what to do in the interim.
I've been growing a garden too! I anxiously await the time when I can have my own fresh tomatoes and peppers. Right now my herbs, especially my cilantro, is out of control. So much so that I picked a nice bunch today:
The rest of the garden is coming along nicely.
In the meantime, I'll keep chugging along with the challenge. I think I can, I think I can...
Your garden looks adorable, Jess. Are you going to share peppers with us, later?
That cilantro looks so great! And I love how tidy your garden plot is. Darci suggested we have a local potluck for the bloggers...Let's wait until you have banana peppers- they're my fave!
Yeah! I was thinking potluck, too.
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