Sunday, June 29, 2008

Local: Not just for humans

Billie Cat is no newcomer to eating local. He's been chasing local ants and enjoying free-range basement mice for years. But Billie's favorite local delicacy is catnip. Three years ago I planted some catnip in the corner of our garden for Billie. As soon as he discovered it, he rubbed his [large] body over the plant until it was dead. The next year it came back and he did the same thing. This year I planted a ton of catnip so that he would have plenty and it has taken over the chard's space. So what does Billie do when I weed out his catnip?
He rubs himself all over the ground.


Jess said...

So, cute! And what a great idea to bring up all the local eats and treats for our non-human friends :)

dandykins said...

That has got to be one of the funnier things I've seen in awhile. Thanks for posting the video... seriously, it just cracks me up watching it!